Personal activities high or low
Carrying out simple personal care tasks, such as showering, getting
dressed and preparing to face the day ahead is something most of us take
for granted. However, if you are living with a disability managing your
personal care may be very challenging
If you are NDIS participant you may be eligible for funding to assist you in
this important aspect of your life. ‘Assistance with Daily Life’ is a budget
that falls under the ‘Core Supports’ category. The funding covers support
with every day personal activities that assist you to live as independently as
possible and with dignity. Daily living includes all those regular activities
that need to be done in the usual course of the day, such as getting out of
bed, showering, toileting and eating. The funding is designed to support
you to do all these things and can be used to pay for specially trained
support workers who can either assist you to carry out your own personal
care or do these tasks for you if you’re unable.